Monthly Archives: January 2021

Proud to Announce –We have achieved UNI En ISO 45001: 2018 certification

2022-01-14T15:33:22+00:00January 22nd, 2021|

Proud to Announce –We have achieved UNI En ISO 45001: 2018 certification We are proud to announce that prosol has successfully achieved the transition to iso 45001: 2018, the world’s first global health and safety management standard. As a company who constantly focuses on people’s health and safety, we are extremely honoured to have successfully achieved this new standard. The ISO 45001: 2018 is based on a number of management principles about health and safety in the workplace including employee safety, reduction workplace risks and creation better working conditions. Prosol hasapplied these specific requirements and standards in its management system aimed at guaranteeing optimal working conditions, improving the efficiency of company processes and workplace safety performances, creating a culture [...]

Prosol receives EU Zootechnical authorizations renewals for its active yeast Biosprint®

2021-09-09T13:32:44+00:00January 22nd, 2021|

Prosol receives EU Zootechnical authorizations renewals for its active yeast Biosprint® We are proud to announce the completion of three authorization renewals for the use in the European Union (EU). They concern the zootechnical feed additive Biosprint® (MUCL™39885), which received the authorization renewal for Dairy Cows, Horses, Sows and weaned piglets. All authorizations are valid for ten years. “We are very pleased with these achievements –Emanuela Epis, Product Manager at Prosol explains - Our best-known animal feeding solutions like Biosprint® are in the market for 25 years and we continue investing so to achieve the highest quality standards and confirm great performance by supporting several scientific trials.” PROSOL’s animal nutrition team is strongly committed to provide efficient solutions to the [...]

Prosol lancia in anteprima al DigitalVetExpo il nuovo petMOD® INTESTINAL R

2022-04-19T10:18:46+00:00January 20th, 2021|

Prosol lancia in anteprima al DigitalVetExpo il nuovo petMOD® INTESTINAL R Novità in casa petMOD®. Prosol lancia una novità nel brand per mangimi complementari dedicati agli animali d’affezione con particolari esigenze nutrizionali e presenta petMOD® INTESTINAL R. L’anteprima al DigitalVetExpo il 30 e 31 Gennaio 2021. La famiglia di prodotti petMOD® si allarga: Prosol lancia petMOD® INTESTINAL R la nuovissima proposta per conigli d’affezione e piccoli roditori (criceti, cavie, cincillà) che arricchisce la gamma di prodotti di alta qualità dedicati al segmento pet-nutrition. La linea petMOD® prevede già 3 referenze principali dedicate a cani e gatti: LEIMUN (per supportare la normale funzione del sistema immunitario), ARTRO (per supportare il metabolismo articolare in caso di osteoartrite) e INTESTINAL (per la [...]

Prosol al DigitalVetExpo 2021

2022-01-14T15:33:16+00:00January 14th, 2021|

Prosol al DigitalVetExpo 2021 Il 30 e 31 Gennaio Prosol partecipa al DigitalVetExpo, l’evento dal format unico dedicato ai Medici Veterinari! “Un evento mai visto nel mondo della veterinaria” per vivere il confronto anche virtualmente e passeggiare tra gli stand anche da casa! L’evento, interamente gratuito,  prevede un programma di grande interesse per Medici Veterinari, titolari di struttura o che svolgono attività pratica per sviluppare al meglio le proprie prestazioni ed essere sempre al passo con i tempi e le ultime innovazioni del settore. Sarà possibile visitare virtualmente gli stand aziendali e approfondire la conoscenza di prodotti e progetti nell’ambito della veterinaria. La divisione petfood di Prosol sarà presente con un suo stand dove presenterà in anteprima le ultime [...]

Prosol Interview: Focus on Petfood market

2022-01-14T15:31:34+00:00January 7th, 2021|

Prosol Interview: Focus on Petfood market Alessandro Sgherbini, Prosol Business Development Manager talked with “Il Giornale dell’Agricoltura” about pet market growth trends and the last Prosol researches on petfood. According to the XIII edition of the report “On the feeding and care of pets” Italians consider pets to be full-fledged members of the family and, as such, they care about their well-being and health just as much as they care about their own meals. Alessandro Sgherbini, our Business development Manager, talked with Alessia Cotroneo for “Il Giornale dell’Agricoltura” about the last Prosol researches on petfood market. “Two years ago, we began to notice how the segment of complementary foods and supplements for pets was growing double-digit in Italy and [...]

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