Nucleotides for the control of Alzheimer Disease: Prosol at NTCEurope 2019
On 27th and 28th of February 2019, Prosol attended the third edition of Nutraceuticals Europe – Summit & Expo. The event, which was held in the Palacio Municipal de Congresos de Madrid, housed over 100 companies of the nutraceutical sector and more than 2300 high-level professionals. As part of NTCEUROPE, Prosol talked at the Seminar Theatre program, the space where companies had the opportunity to share their latest releases and new challenges on nutraceutical products.
With a conference entitled “A natural perspective for the control of Alzheimer Disease”, our Business Development Manager, Alessandro Sgherbini, highlighted the beneficial effects of nucleotides on synaptic degeneration in Alzheimer Disease and in controlling the most common form of neurodegenerative disease. We were pleased with the strong interest in our speech and ingredient solutions and to welcome partners and customers to our booth. We would like to thank Pharmafoods team and all our visitors and we look forward to continuing our dialogue with you!
A natural perspective for the control of Alzheimer Disease
The talk at the Seminar Theatre program of the fair was an opportunity to show the importance of nutraceuticals and nucleotides for the control of Alzheimer Disease.
Alzheimer’s disease is one of the most common form of dementia characterized by the deposition of extracellular amyloid-β (Aβ) peptides in the brain. The neuronal death, that characterizes this neurodegenerative disorder, causes irreversible cognitive impairment and behavioral alteration. Beside synthetic drugs, the use of natural-derived products and/or nutraceuticals could represent a future medical option in industrialized countries. They are not proposed as an alternative to drugs, but instead, can be helpful to complement a pharmacological therapy and prevent the onset of chronic diseases. In this context, nucleotides have demonstrated to improve the clinical outcomes in immunosuppressive and inflammatory-based diseases.
Nucleotides are intracellular compounds involved in many biochemical pathways and nowadays, they are also included in different food supplements formulations targeted to immune system and nervous system. Few years ago, Prosol developed and launched in the market Ribodiet, that is a yeast extract standardized in free nucleotides content (>40%), but also source of AA, Mineral salts and group B vitamins, naturally occurring in the yeast cytoplasm.
A recent study[1] conducted at University of Naples Federico II Naples (Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery), indicated that the ribonucleotide-based formulation of Ribodiet, in a dose dependent manner, is able to revert the state of mnemonic decline and cognitive deficit typical of AD. This study suggests the potential role of Ribodiet as nutraceutical product useful for neurodegenerative disease such as AD, thanks to its anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective effect.
To learn more about Ribodiet please contact us:
Prosol S.p.a, Via Carso, 99 – 24040 MADONE (BG), Italy.
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[1] Raucci F1, Sgherbini A2, Pedretti N2, Saviano A1, Russo M1, Casillo GM1, Daglia M3 and Maione F1., “Effect of Ribodiet®, a ribonucleotide-based formulation, in a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease” Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery, University of Naples Federico II Naples