animal nutrition

Benefits of piglet supplementation with nucleotides: the new study

2021-09-21T08:55:26+00:00September 16th, 2020|

Benefits of piglet supplementation with nucleotides: the new study According to a recent study performed by the University of Bologna it was found that the administration of nucleotides mix to suckling piglets and in the very early post-weaning phase is able to anticipate the maturation of the intestinal immunity and microbiota. Nucleotides are considered essential for tissues that require rapid cell replication, among these are the intestinal epithelium and lymphoid cells, which have insufficient de novo synthesis of nucleotides. The presence of nucleotides in the diet to promote growth performance and the development of intestinal immunity and a healthy microbiota is therefore more important when animals are in stressful conditions or when they are in a transient malnutrition, such [...]

Nucleotidi ai suinetti per sostenere la crescita: lo studio dell’Università di Bologna

2020-12-07T08:49:16+00:00August 26th, 2020|

Nucleotidi ai suinetti per sostenere la crescita: lo studio dell'Università di Bologna Estratto da Dossier Alimentazione in "Rivista di Suinicoltura" n. 6 -Giugno 2020 "Secondo un recente studio condotto dall’Università di Bologna è stato rilevato che la somministrazione di una miscela di nucleotidi ai suinetti in fase di allattamento e nell’immediato post-svezzamento sia in grado di anticipare la maturazione del microbiota intestinale." La presenza di nucleotidi nella dieta per favorire le prestazioni di crescita e lo sviluppo dell’immunità intestinale e un sano microbiota è più importante quando gli animali sono in condizioni stressanti o quando sono in una transitoria malnutrizione, come al momento dello svezzamento del suino (Grimble e Westwood, 2001; Sauer et al., 2011). È tra l’altro nella [...]

I-CARE Hydrolyzed Yeast: the natural way to improve poultry performance

2021-10-05T16:24:39+00:00June 23rd, 2020|

I-CARE Hydrolyzed Yeast: the natural way to improve poultry performance One of the greatest challenges in poultry nutrition is ensuring that broilers consume the quantity of nutrients necessary to ensure proper development and good weight gain. Nutrition can positively affect the performance of these poultry. In particular, hydrolyzed yeast could be used as alternatives to antibiotics thanks to its positive effects on poultry performance even with strong nutritional challange. I-CARE is a hydrolysed yeast from Kluyveromyces fragilis, which has positive effects on poultry performance thanks to high digestibility properties and presence of immune modulating components such as ꞵ-glucans and Mannan oligosaccharides. Yeast cell wall fraction improves villus height (Zhang et al, 2005) and intestinal development of chicks, thus improving [...]

Heat stress in dairy cow: benefits from Biosprint® live yeast supplementation

2021-08-19T16:40:08+00:00June 10th, 2020|

Heat stress in dairy cow: benefits from Biosprint® live yeast supplementation BIOSPRINT® live yeast supplementation during the summer period helps lactating cows maintain their production parameters at optimum efficiency, preventing the negative effects of heat stress on their performance. During the summer months, milk production can drop from 10% to 30%, which is an economic problem for milk producers (St. Pierre et al., 2003). The reduction in milk production is not due just to a reduction in dry matter intake induced by an increase in body temperature, but also to an alteration in the endocrine profile and energy metabolism (Baumgard and Rhoads, 2007), and to other factors that are still unknown (Collier et al., 2008). It has been shown [...]

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